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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Voting and Education

When looking at the ballot for the first time many thoughts come to mind when making that very important decision. What are my reasons for choosing either Obama or Romney in terms of freedom, money, and more importatnly to me as a teacher, education?

"The National Education Association generally advocates the Democratic Party. "Listen to the candidates talk about education and two distinct visions quickly emerge: President Obama positions public education as the cornerstone of a thriving middle class and healthy economy, while Candidate Romney often refers to education as the exclusive domain of those with the means to attain it"

The Ryan/Romney budget plan would slash education funding by $115 billion over ten years–hurting the neediest students, causing class sizes to increase, forcing elimination of programs aimed at providing a well-rounded education, and actually reducing the number of educators in classrooms. The Romney/Ryan plan also would push 2 million kids out of Head Start and slash Pell Grants for more than 9 million students seeking a college education.
“Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have made it abundantly clear that they support the interests of corporate America and the wealthy over America’s students,” said Van Roekel.

 President Obama’s annual budget proposals have consistently increased funding for education, and his college tax credit has helped more than 9 million students and families pay for college. The president also recently pledged to recruit 100,000 math and science teachers over the next decade in order to prepare students for the 2.7 million new technology jobs expected to open up by 2018."  In short the NEA   thinks that Romney is going to screw the education system."

As a develeping teacher it is improtant to analyze all sides of the candidates. These men are the ones who are going to affect not only our lives but also the lives of our future students. As future teachers it is our job to ensure that our vote is not just for our benefit but for all students and educators. That being said Happy Voting!

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